Salon #06 - February 13, 2021
Maya Vassallo Di Florio and Margarita Rosa Tirado

Maya Vassallo Di Florio
Presentation title: The Gift of Goddess Temple of Rome
The Temple of the Great Goddess (Tempio della Grande Dea) of Rome it’s the first Goddess Temple of Italy after more than 2000 years. Founded by Maya Vassallo Di Florio, is both a sacred place dedicated to Goddess Aphrodite and a research center in the anthropological and archaemythological fields that collaborated with Universities and Academia.
Exactly like a temple of the past, it has a cultural, spiritual, educational and social role for its community in expansion. It is based on Matricentric Values and aims at fully practicing the Gift Economy as theorized by Genevieve Vaughan.
This is a revolutionary community, based on the sacredness of the Cycles of Life and of Biophilia, that as a non profit organization carries on lots of precious projects.
Maya Vassallo Di Florio is the founder of the first modern Goddess temple in Italy. She started the Goddess Temple of Rome, and its community with the intent of creating healthier models of existence, educating participants towards a new social paradigm. She provides courses of study and research based on the matricentric values of care, Gift Economy, peaceful communication, partnership, respect for the planet and love of life in all its forms. She collaborates with La Sapienza University and gives talks and workshops about Goddess Spirituality and Matriarchy throughout Italy and the world. Some projects of international relevance are: "Three Year Training Priestess of the Sea - Priestess of Aphrodite"©, "Re-Activation of :Goddess Ancient Temples and Places", "Roma Goddess Conference"©.
More information @ www.mayavassallo.com | www.tempiodellagrandedea.com | www.goddesstemplerome.com

Margarita Rosa Tirado
Presentation title: Sowing Seeds, root, artery, Feminine Memory of Earth...
Conceiving Nature as Female, and spirit as love, I was inspired by life encounters and experience, women’s and environmental movements, art, medicine, and social activism. By surrendering, giving all to nature, making a synthesis of home, forest, cohabitation with nature, the spirit of creativity and multiplicity, I created a place to inspire others. I´ll talk about my instinctive mothering economy, that resonated with what the maternal gift economy inspires in me.
Born in 1957 in Karibá (ancestral name of Colombia), Margarita is an integral artist, poet, painter, performer and creator of living art. Educated as a transpersonal psychologist and healer, she is an environmental activist, and a forest gardener. Starting from the very basic seeds to full grown wilderness, today she has been the guardian of a nature preserve (called ‘Rose of the winds’ or ‘Compass rose’) for 30 years. More information @ https://fundarosavientos.wixsite.com/reservanatural/caracteristica