Salon #08 - March 13, 2021
Miki Kashtan and Manasi Saxena

Miki Kashtan
Presentation title: Living a Gift Economy within an Exchange World
In her talk “Living a Gift Economy within an Exchange World,” Miki plans to address a key question about making the gift economy a practical reality. Specifically: when an organization aims to shift into functioning in a gift economy in relation to money, how can it do so when the world around it continues to function based on exchange, and when all of us, including those passionately aiming for the shift, are still immersed within patriarchal, capitalist, scarcity- and exchange-based patterns?
Miki will address these topics looking at to align resource flow with the deepest maternal gifting principles in three areas: how money comes in; how it flows within the organization and sustains those caring for it; and how it leaves the organization to make possible bringing in resources that are only available through engaging with the market economy.
Miki Kashtan is a practical visionary pursuing a world that works for all, based on principles and practices rooted in feminist nonviolence. Miki is a founding member of the Nonviolent Global Liberation (NGL) community, whose purpose is to integrate nonviolence into the fabric of human life through ongoing live experiments with truth focused on individual and collective liberation. One of the most consistent experiments within NGL is the commitment to operate on a full gift basis with both money and other resources. Miki is the author most recently of The Highest Common Denominator: Using Convergent Facilitation to Reach Breakthrough Collaborative Decisions and blogs at The Fearless Heart, often exploring theoretical, practical, political, and spiritual questions related to patriarchy, capitalism, and gifting. In her talk "Living a Gift Economy within an Exchange World" she plans to describe some of the experiments within NGL in three areas: how to align NGL's resource flow with the deepest gifting principles: what comes into NGL; what flows within NGL; and what goes out of NGL.
Find out more @ mikikashtan.org
Download Miki Kashtan - Living a Gift Economy within an Exchange World pdf
Manasi Saxena
Presentation title: Experiments in Receiving while Giving
Manasi Saxena (Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication; Founder, enCOMPASSion) is a learning facilitator whose focus lies at the intersection of spiritual/personal growth and social change/community development. She has been part of the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) community in India for over ten years, during which she has organised and offered a number of international and local training events, dabbling to different degrees in Gift Culture.
Having actively participated in emergency relief services after the violence in Northeast Delhi and during the Covid-19 lockdown in India, Manasi's core focus now is to work closely with communities at the grassroots, with a vision of shifting from sustenance-survival to a paradigm of sustainability, collaboration, and resilience through community-driven social change, through her organisation, enCOMPASSion.
A key aspect of her work with enCOMPASSion is balancing two paradigms: the world of socio-economic, legal realities of development work in India, which, even while emerging from a paradigm of giving, exist within a transaction economy; and the world where everyone's needs matter, which in congruent with an economy of mattering, care, and empathy, aligned with the maternal roots of all giving, and where giving is receiving and receiving, giving. She hopes to learn through sharing her "Experiments in Receiving while Giving", experiences in bringing the spirit of Gift Culture to a very transactional reality.
Find out more @ www.enCOMPASSion.com
Download Manasi Saxena - Experiments in Receiving While Giving pdf