00:19:01 Benjamin Peters: Hi, everyone. I’m Benjamin in Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). 00:19:01 Natalie Johnson: Natalie from Boston 00:19:15 Jill Goldman: Jill Los Angeles 00:19:21 Constance Tippett: Constance Tippett. Arizona 00:19:27 Darcia Narvaez: Hello from South Bend, Indiana, USA! 00:19:28 Jennifer D Wheeldon: Hello from New Jersey 00:19:31 mark johnson: Mark ceredigion wales 00:19:32 Patricia Herr: Kwe'! Greetings, Love and Gratitude from Gemany! I am so happy to see you all.🌷✨ 00:19:48 Bob Reckhow: Cowichan Bay, on Vancouver Island, BC Canada 00:22:24 Diane: The Evolved Nest : https://www.amazon.com/Evolved-Nest-Children-Connected-Communities/dp/B0BGM9QDFB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3PYGJPM78XMFO&keywords=darcia+narvaez+phd&qid=1694274293&s=books&sprefix=Darcia+%2Cstripbooks%2C120&sr=1-1 00:22:48 Martha Quintero: Hello everybody i am very happy to be here 00:26:14 Letecia Layson: Darcia's websites https://kindredmedia.org/ https://evolvednest.org/ 00:27:12 Letecia Layson: Gay's website https://kerulos.org/ 00:48:14 Martha Quintero: Now I am thinking of surrogate mother ??? 00:49:26 Martha Quintero: it is very worry those issues.... 00:50:42 Letecia Layson: 9 Components of our Evolved Nest https://evolvednest.org/nine-components-overview 00:56:12 Diane: Edge of Eden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjv1l5XEykI 01:04:55 Patricia Herr: The unfortunate pattern of getting stuck in the identification with and idealization of the left brain "capacities" is global those days - except if humans become aware of what we miss out like this and reconnect to indigenous ways of beeing. But you know this of cause, co-authoring the "Worldview"- Chart. 01:06:02 Mitchell Verter: Mitchell from brooklyn 01:07:01 Risa Mandell: infants were operated on without anathesia 01:08:29 Darcia Narvaez: Thanks, Patricia. The Worldview chart comparing dominant culture and Indigenous worldview, available here: https://kindredmedia.org/2020/11/decolonization-and-indigenization-a-brief-argument-for-their-urgent-implementation/ 01:09:19 Patricia Herr: Thank you Darica... It is so prescious 💖 01:15:30 Jill Goldman: I have a question re the continuum concept which was how we raised our children ( now grown ) - I nursed each for 3.5 years, they were attached to me literally with sling for many many years , we co slept until they decided to move into their own beds - I I had amazing community -our kids came everywhere with us - they are amazing adults now very centered etc -however looking back reflecting im feeling some kind of guilt re how this is virtually impossible now for young parents - I had opportunity to decide not to work outside home while I raised my children - wondering if this adds guilt to young mothers who have to work and cant be with children full time as they need to work outside home not really by choice ? 01:16:48 Letecia Layson: The Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness https://fcmconference.org/img/CambridgeDeclarationOnConsciousness.pdf 01:17:08 Tricia Armstrong: Need to leave. Thank you! Looking forward to reading the book 🙏🏽 01:17:49 Darcia Narvaez: More on the human evolved nest here: https://www.evolvednest.org 01:21:26 marta benavides: saludos... there is much in recordings of these beautiful loving care in the animal wrold -- I hope we can talk sometime too on how MotherNature does the same in the plant world for example on caring for climate in these days.. abrazos..marta 01:27:33 Letecia Layson: If you have questions, remember to enter them in the Q & A or the chat. 01:35:11 Peggy Antrobus: This Salon is one of those life-changing experiences. Despite my great age it has created a shift in my thinking... who knows where that will take me now. The challenge is to share these stories as widely as possible... It’s the only hope for the survival of our species. Thank you Darcia and Gay, Gen and Letecia and all who made this possible. 01:40:14 Margaret Nunley: Good point about Darwin 01:44:12 Risa Mandell: orgs working to get other-than-humans out of research and education to use humans who can give consent: https://www.phoenixzonesinitiative.org/ pcrm.org and anti-vivisection orgs 01:44:16 Patricia Herr: The current state of the world and our current struggle for survival shows how wrong our interpretation of Darwin's findings was. Let's hope that a new and idigenous ancestral way of understanding is dawning: Survival of the connected, loving and wise ... 01:45:51 Constance Tippett: Thank you so much from this incredible salon. I am going to get this book, I plan to get several and hand them out to friends. It validated things that I knew and taught me thing I didn’t! Thanks again. 01:46:35 Martha Quintero: Thaks for the lecture very important point of view I must go see you have a very good weekend 01:51:35 Darcia Narvaez: More on the neurobiology and its relation to moral functioning in adulthood: https://www.amazon.com/Neurobiology-Development-Human-Morality-Interpersonal/dp/0393706559 01:53:41 Diane: The Evolved Nest book available @ https://www.amazon.com/Evolved-Nest-Children-Connected-Communities/dp/B0BGM9QDFB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3PYGJPM78XMFO&keywords=darcia+narvaez+phd&qid=1694274293&s=books&sprefix=Darcia+%2Cstripbooks%2C120&sr=1-1 01:56:21 Darcia Narvaez: Last year's book on Indigenous/Kinship worldview: https://www.amazon.com/Restoring-Kinship-Worldview-Indigenous-Rebalancing/dp/1623176425/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1694280898&refinements=p_27%3ADarcia+Narvaez&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Darcia+Narvaez 02:06:58 Diane: Gay Bradshaw - https://gabradshaw.com 02:07:17 Diane: Darcia Narvaez - https://evolvednest.org 02:08:10 marta benavides: we have many of those initiatives and processes in latin america.. rights of nature, rights of rivers, etc.. and in ecuador the people just voted to keep save Yasuní área of amazonia..to keep fossil fuels in the soil..marta 02:08:14 Benjamin Peters: Thank you both for your responses to my question. 02:08:17 Diane: https://kerulos.org 02:09:43 Darcia Narvaez: The Global South will lead us, Marta! 02:15:41 Benjamin Peters: Thank you all. Darcia and Gay, thank you for this new work of yours and for sharing this time today. The examples in your book and today’s reflections help me keep working toward the cultivation of a shared-dignity-consciousness and fulfillment of the commitments to human and non-human communities that that consciousness demands. 02:16:53 marta benavides: To Darcia and all.. we got to prioritize .. now .. as you suggest.. abrazos..marta 02:17:43 Diane: Register for Salon #51 - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_98fHS3roTpOplWbexGqOew 02:17:47 marta benavides: Very Good time -- info for educ and practice .. i share it broadly..marta 02:19:16 Jill Goldman: Thank you so much Darcia and Gay 02:19:27 marta benavides: gracias ..marta 02:19:31 camille ventura: Thank you for this wonderful conversation, the readings, all your reflections, for just being here. 02:19:33 Patricia Herr: 🌈💖🏞️🌱